Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

 Your task for this piece of assessment is to critically discuss professional issues and leadership challenges for the graduate registered nurse and argue for realistic and achievable actions and goals.

1. Analyse the WIKI discussion forum contributions (in relation to self-awareness, identity development and mentoring) and using the literature as a point of reference, discuss the significance of one of these professional development strategies in relation to transition to practice for the graduate registered nurse (GRN). 1. 2. Drawing from national and international literature, critically discuss the implications of the chosen professional development strategy for the graduate registered nurse working in a clinical environment in relation to achieving a work-life balance and developing a resilient approach to practice. 3. Referring to your critical discussion in Step 2, develop 2 SMART goals (one that aims to achieve work-life balance and the other a resilient approach to practice). Advocate/argue for how the realistic SMART goal actions (to achieve a work-life balance and a resilient approach to practice) would enhance your transition to clinical practice as a GRN.  Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

1200 words +/-10%. Word length excludes in-text referencing, your reference list, direct quotes and appendices. Please note: markers will not mark beyond the work limit.  Suggested (not mandatory) word count structure. Introduction (100 words) 1.Discuss significance for the GRN (300 words) 2.Critically discuss in relation to work life balance and resilience (400 words) 3.Advocate for realistic action.


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Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

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 Your task for this piece of assessment is to critically discuss professional issues and leadership challenges for the graduate registered nurse and argue for realistic and achievable actions and goals.

1. Analyse the WIKI discussion forum contributions (in relation to self-awareness, identity development and mentoring) and using the literature as a point of reference, discuss the significance of one of these professional development strategies in relation to transition to practice for the graduate registered nurse (GRN). 1. 2. Drawing from national and international literature, critically discuss the implications of the chosen professional development strategy for the graduate registered nurse working in a clinical environment in relation to achieving a work-life balance and developing a resilient approach to practice. 3. Referring to your critical discussion in Step 2, develop 2 SMART goals (one that aims to achieve work-life balance and the other a resilient approach to practice). Advocate/argue for how the realistic SMART goal actions (to achieve a work-life balance and a resilient approach to practice) would enhance your transition to clinical practice as a GRN.

1200 words +/-10%. Word length excludes in-text referencing, your reference list, direct quotes and appendices. Please note: markers will not mark beyond the work limit.  Suggested (not mandatory) word count structure. Introduction (100 words) 1.Discuss significance for the GRN (300 words) 2.Critically discuss in relation to work life balance and resilience (400 words) 3.Advocate for realistic action.

Professional Issues And Nursing Leadership Challenges Essay

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