Public Health Outline Paper
Public Health Outline Paper
HPS 387 Outline for Summary and Analysis Papers
This is an additional resource to help you structure your paper. You may use your own style.You must use proper grammar, correct spelling, APA format for citations and integrate information from lecture, reading and videos.
Please refer to the guidelines and rubric for more detail
- Times New Roman, Calibri, Ariel
- 12 font
- 1 inch margins
- Double spaced
- Excluding cover page and references it should be a full 3 pages.
- Cover page (Name, date, TA and Preceptor, class, and university)
- Label both sections (1 and 2 separately because it helps during grading and makes your paper look more organized) or make it clear where you begin talking about your recommendation.
- APA formatting for the whole paper, including references (refer to the for help with this; link can be found at content>commentary information>resources for commentaries)
Section 1: Reflection
- This section is the first half of your paper. This section should synthesize everything information covered in class from the first day to two days before the due date.
- The paper should include connections between course concepts presented in lecture, reading and other course resources.
- You may include outside references from reliable sources that help strengthen your statement if you choose. You must reference course material.
- A common and effective way to begin this portion is to set it up in a 5-paragraph format (you are not required to write it this way, this is only one suggested way).
- 1st paragraph = Introduction
- Talk about a general theme you noticed throughout all the lectures, or use a specific health disparity/disparities to expand on class content.
- Set up your upcoming paragraphs to include 3 main points that you think are the biggest topics that contribute towards your chosen theme/disparity
- 2nd Paragraph
- Talk about the first point you stated (AKA your thesis)
- Include references from the reading and lectures
- Proper formatting and grammar.
- 3rd Paragraph
- Talk about the second point you stated (AKA your thesis)
- Include references from the reading and lectures
- Proper formatting and grammar.
- 4th Paragraph
- Talk about the third point you stated (AKA your thesis)
- Include references from the reading and lectures
- Proper formatting and grammar.
- Conclusion
- Wrap up and summarize your reflection.
- Do not make it lengthy, it should be a brief summary of everything, but don’t make it only 2 sentences either.
Section 2: Public Health Recommendation
- For this section, pick a health inequity that is affecting people in the U.S., state, county or a specific community (i.e. diabetes, heart disease, etc.).
- Base your recommendation on what you have learned and develop an idea for interventions/ recommendations on a micro, middle and macro level as to how you can address this health inequity on each level. You may use outside sources if you choose (i.e. peer reviewed articles) to support your recommendation.
- Be very specific and detailed as to what type of recommendation you choose and how it can help in each level.
- Contact your instructor, TA or preceptor with any questions or would like additional guidance.
- Utilize Think Tank and other resources to help review and edit the paper.